2009.07.16 dEdmonton in the 2009 Capital Ex Parade Photos

Every year in mid-July Edmonton hosts Capital Ex which kicks off with a parade through downtown Edmonton. This year there was an entry for dEdmonton - Canada's Halloween Festival, and things have certainly come a long way since I started talking about this last year.

The cast of characters:

Hearses from the Edmonton Bonewagon Association

Zombies from the River City Zombie Committee

Disaster-preparation and zombie-wrangling by Free-Zone Zedmonton

Former home-haunter and soon to be operator of the Westridge Sanitarium, Bloody the Clown

The lovely ladies of Karrie's Costumes

Edmonton's ghost-hunting Paranormal Explorers

And a couple of more weirdos

Killing time before the parade started:


The leader of the Alberta Liberal party

Some prefer a more blood-free approach to halloween costumes:

Bloody the Clown tests to make sure that his chainsaw is working

The whole crew

A flyby to start the parade

And we're off

For more information there's dEdmonton.com, our facebook group, or twitter.


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